Looking for a decent estate agent to sell an Azuri Townhouse

Hi I am looking for a decent estate agent to sell one of my Coralis townhouses at Azuri in the North.  Does anyone have any good suggestions?  Best wishes to everyone.  Simon


I had an excellent agent help me purchase a place in the north.  If you would like to message me directly, I can give you all of his contact information and introduce you.



Hi Simon ***

Clarry Odell

Moderated by Cheryl 3 weeks ago
Reason : Advertising + contact details
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

I can highly recommend Diana Lenferna from Nestenn. She really knows her stuff.

you can email her at:


and watch one of her youtube videos here:


Moderated by Cheryl 3 weeks ago
Reason : Contact details
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

I'd like to add that Diana Lenferna has several international customers - some of whom have bought multiple Mauritian properties from her.

Diana can be contacted through the Nestenn website or her FB page, or DM me for details.