Denied Entry

Hi, im writing in behalf of my fiancé. We didn't know that coming to Singapore often is a No-No. My fiancé was here last December, 2nd visit was on March and trying his attempt yesterday. Note that for every visit, he never overstayed. He was hold for a night and will be sent back tomorrow to his origin county. The reason why he frequently visited me was to just see me before he go onboard as he is a seafearer. We were honest to the officer that we have zero idea that coming here often is not allowed, we just assumed that as long as the visit didn't exceed in 30 days, then were good. My question is, when he go onboard and will have to transit in sg for connecting flight, will there be an issue? Also, there is a 30% chance that his ship/vessel will pass singapore, is he not allowed to be in that ship during its stay in singapore? thank you for your thoughts

ICA can allow or deny entry on their sole discretion, for any reason and at any time they want.

Obviously, due to the frequent visits and having a fiancee here, they suspect your partner (ab-) uses visit visa to in fact live here. They may also suspect illegal work.

There will be no problem transiting at Changi airport or staying on a ship landing here, but he will not be able to enter the country. He should contact ICA to ask how long the ban will last and if anything can be done to lift it earlier!