Anybody know a Reliable Laptop Repair Service in HCMC?

We have many laptops and electronics, because of that we frequently have small or big repair jobs to do.

For some years in HCMC I couldn't find a good repair service because of two reasons below;

1) There are too many liars!  I tested many of them (with a well-known device that I exactly know the problem inside) just for understanding who are they, and I saw that many of them are easily making an untrue stories about the problem for increasing the price 2, 3 or even 4, 5 times more. Especially big, famous and well-known repair services are doing this too much. Unfortunately what they understand from "professionalism" is this! :(  ..I cannot easily trust them anymore.

2) I tried some small shops as repair service. Usually they are not organized liars like big services but many times their capabilities and skills are limited and not enough to find out and solve the problems in all electronic devices.

My past negative experience bring me to this page and I need to ask other people's opinion.

Maybe somebody knows any reliable service that they trust their reliability. This will help me very much.

Thanks in advanced.

@iridiumonlinesystems I use Iknow ( and they are great. Honest work and will not oversell on anything.  Diagonistics is free.  Upfront pricing.   No charge, if it can't be fixed. 

@Fourblocks Thank you very much.. I will try that.