Registering to pay taxes

Hi all,

I'm a freelancer, currently working for a very big company. İ need to register as a freelancer in Türkiye and let the authority know I'm working. How do I do that? Obviously i need to pay my taxes.

Many thanks in advance

Hello Fedy23,

The easiest way to do that is to find and sign a contract with an authorised accountant, as he/she will do all the necessary legal procedures. This is a fee-based monthly contract, which the accountant will carry your legal transactions and will also give you advice about your transactions, etc.

And also, the most logical way to find the proper accountant is through your colleagues' referrals (if you have any in Turkey).

Have a good day


Hi Alper

Thank you for your kind reply and the info provided.

I don't know anyone in Türkiye but I'm looking for an English speaker. Hopefully I'll find one.

Would you know where can I start looking? Any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance


@Fedy23 For translation we took our real estate agent, and a free taxi I have to say, of course we pay (but convenience has its price), for taxes we did not do not anything (also not for the mandatory insurance of property).

Really your real estate agent knows (and could do, just pay a bit extra and they will be happy)

İ don't have a real estate agent. I bought my property outright.

What's an estate agent go to do with my tax compliance?

@Fedy23 You're welcome Federica.

Yes, you should find an English speaking accountant.

There is a chamber of independent accountants and financial advisors in each city.

You may contact them. Which city do you live by the way?

Hi Alper,

Thank you for your reply. I'm in Antalya.

Hello Federica,

What a coincidence, I'm in Antalya too :))

Let me talk to my accountant if you want.

I'm not sure if she (or anyone in her team) speaks English, but I think she would help.

All the best


Hi Alper,

Thank you, that would be great!

Best wishes,


Hi again Federica,

I talked to her, and she said okay.

Please check your DM.

Best wishes,


@Fedy23 They have connections (in any case to my experience). Why doing things yourself. buying a property (or renting without a recognized agent is asking for problems.

I moved around quite a bit (Netherlands, Luxembourg, back to Netherlands, UK, Luxembourg again, Hungary and then Turkey. (I am a bit older so no need for freelance).

If you do your things yourselves it might be more expensive and cumbersome. Just accept reality of life.

Paying is no problem, good service and having all things in order is.

It worked for me over the years. Just outsourcing those items where are you are not a specialist, create connections.

An upcoming question if your local authorities your TAPU value should be increased what do you do.

Also a question do your pay your loval taxes yourselves?

Just ask somebody do it for you

Health insurance (and service) could also be a challenge

@Fedy23 Of course at a price, they gave the drivers to go to authorities, banks, changing of driving license (did you do this?), hospital ( I hope you do not need), bottom line support is needed and you have to pay/buy, nothing is for free.

Please be set for some challenges without protection.

My conclusion, you are ignorant of things are going on, or you do not have enough capital (nowadays in Turkey is a problem (in my view Turkey is much better than eg Spain by the way).

Freelancing in Turkey is fine, but not being informed is bad, by the way, where do you live.

@cdw057 and WHY?

An accountant is nice, but who protects/represents you with your property? (rented or owned)

I love people in Turkey are very much business oriented (and for me that is actually a plus), whoever you choose they should send somebody to repair, deliver a proper internet, a TV, repairing a washing maching, dishwasher, repair rain damage, .....

Good luck with your acountant (I am sure we will have connections as well).

Our experience with a real estate agent (even expensive) was convenient (changing driving license, bank account, dealing with annual taxes, health insurance, hospital (I am older), just find the good and trusted provider and life will be easy).

@alpersezer79 For innocent foreigners they really need good advice on other topics, the excessive taxes in Turkey should be referred to, but also health insurance, driving license, dealing with day to day things (Aidat, local taxes, bank account, how to transfer (without the risk of being rejected), what is the best bank (good internet banking), so many, many issues.

For newcomers there are so, so many issues to be concerned about (but they do not (shockinly))

Ikamet of course should be an issue (but I think known to all)

As a foreigner in my view you need FULL support over everything and you have to pay for this.

@cdw057 As a side note I lived in Hungary for 7 years and created own company, some very good advices and I was very happy to pay for their services. Bottom line Gross means Net.

I am sure their will be rules in Turkey as well.

Just use them and please be happy to pay.

I am so, so sad that you did not find any proper provider (disappointed really), where win-win is not there?

For Frederica, in which area are you working as a freelancer?

Good morning all

I'm still looking for help on this matter.

I'm in need of understanding how to register to pay taxes and to get a work a permit.

Anyone knows where can I get such information? İ don't speak Turkish so ideally someone that speak English.

Thank you in advance

As a private person you have to have a tax card (even if not employed), your real estate agent should arrange for thst (creating an own company I think is a different topic, but also then your real agent (if serious should arrange for it).

I do not understand why people want to do things themselves, so many, many providers (at low cost), really standard I would say, I have lived in many countries (Netherlands, UK, Luxembourg, Hungary and now Turkey) and have had no problems whatsoever (DIY can be difficult though)


I found this video quite informative:

The presenter has lots of other useful videos, and they operate a company that might be able to help.

I reached out to them earlier today, but it was after office hours in Turkey so I'm hoping to get a response tomorrow about their service offer and fees. I think they're based in Istanbul though.

My wife and I are popping over to Antalya in a few weeks' time, and I'm hoping we can line up some meetings with a reputable English-speaking accountant and an immigration advisor too, just so we have all the information we need from qualified sources before making the leap later this year.

P.S. Just out of curiosity, is the company you are working for a Turkish company or a foreign one?


Apologies for my late reply.

My company is American but based in Switzerland. My clients are from all over the world but not from Türkiye.

I'm in contact with various lawyers and accountants. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of red tape around the issue of self employment and in my case freelancing.

My understanding is that to get a work permit you either A-work for a Turkish company based in Turkiyeor B- you set up as a self employed. If you choose option B, then you must recruit minimum 5 Turkish workers and you must have a certain capital in the bank.

If like me, your company is abroad and you don't have any Turkish customers/clients in Türkiye then there is a lot of other issues involved...I'm still getting info in regard.

Thank you for the link. Unfortunately it doesn't answer my issue.

@Fedy23 I'm in a similar boat to you with the same issues, although the company I work for is my own UK-based company.

I'm also in touch with a few people now; it definitely does seem quite bureaucratic - and what's worse is that different people are giving me different advice. 1f615.svg

It does seem completely crazy that I might have to set up a Turkish company, pay a minimum of 50,000TL in capital, and hire 5 Turkish workers, just so I can work remotely for my UK company for my UK clients(!). Especially when tax on any salary & dividend income would, I'm assuming, be paid in Turkey anyway.

I hope you manage to find a reasonable resolution to your situation.

I'll let you know if I make any progress.


I have just messaged you..