Moving my tax residency from Spain to Malaysia

Hello everyone! an interesting forum!

one question, if I want to move my tax residency from Spain to Malaysia, what visa do I need if I am working as a freenlance for a company in Andorra?

Te he contestado en el otro post, necesitas tener un visado de empleado o de director de empresa. es decir crear una empresa para tener el visado de dos anos luego alli te dan el TIN y luego ya podras hacer el cambio en la AEAT

I answered you in the other post, you need to have an employee or company director visa. That is, create a company to have a two-year visa, then they will give you the TIN and then you can make the change at the AEAT.


You would likely need a Digital Nomad/DE Rantau visa. This is valid for 12+12 months.