Medical Elective Abroad in Mauritius

Hi there!

Im currently a final year medical student from the UK who is planning their elective abroad in Mauritius. I have managed to get a confirmation letter to say my placement has been accepted at Victoria Hospital but I was just wondering how it works? Do I just turn up on my first day with the letter in hand? I was told I would have a  supervisor once I'm out there but Im not sure how this works? In the UK we usually get a supervising doctor to liase with.  If there are any other native hospital workers/ students who have had experiences with medical students from abroad shadowing in the hospital it would be great to hear from you! I haven't had much communication from the hospital despite my best efforts to get into contact with them!

Thanks so much in advance!


Hello Selina, welcome

Did you liaise with them on phone or email ? Do you have a contact person at the hospital ?



Hi Selina, welcome.

When do you start? Do you have a named contact in the hospital, or in the Ministry? Do you know anyone else who has done this, to ask for advice? You can try to email the current RHD at Victoria Hospital, if you have his email address.

Feel free to message me here if you wish. I have spent a little time at Victoria Hospital.

Take care.

@selina12 Hello,

I am studying medicine in Austria, and I will go to Mauritius to do my medical elective for 4 weeks in Ocotber 2024 there. My application is currently processed by the MOH.

It would be great if there was some kind of online forum where all the electives staying there at the same time could connect. Do you know if there is something similar?

