Honest Review About Pakistan School Muscat

Hi lovely people of Muscat

I have recently moved to Muscat (6 months ago). My family (wife and daughter) would move in in about 3 months. My daughter is 5 years old so would either be going to KG-II or Class 1 (not sure).

I am from Pakistan and want my daughter to pursue O level, so I have selected Pakistan School Muscat for her. Now I have been hearing mixed reviews about this school like bad behavior of senior kids and some teachers, abusive language but good quality of education and low fees etc.

I am really confused and wondering if I should wait for a good increment and then call my family so that my daughter can go to the infamous Beaconhouse School.

I would really appreciate if any parent of PSM going kids could shed some light on this?

Thank you in advance.

There is a need for one or two more Pakistani schools in Muscat because the existing ones are overloaded. Despite the teachers' best efforts, they are unable to meet the required standards