Construction project and moving to Mauritius

Admin - if this is not permitted, please delete and apologies in advance!

Hello Forum, I am about to construct my house in Mauritius and will be documenting the good, bad and ugly on my instagram @****I have a lot to unpack as this was project that was due from a major developer in 2021, but we only completed in 2023.  This topic and journey could be interesting to anyone in a similar position or considering making this move.

Thank you :)

Moderated by Bhavna 5 months ago
Reason : Social network to be shared in private
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Hello Natasha,

Thank you for sharing your journey.

Redirecting our members to another social media is not advised. Instead, I would recommend that you share info on the forum itself. Your inputs will definitely benefit our members.

Please let us know your thoughts



Thank you Bhavna, I'll pop over here when I can. Socials are a lot easier but will do my best to share here too:)

Hello Natasha,

I would be very happy to follow your story here. We will be spending 6 months in Mauritius every year starting April 2024. Our house is being built currently and should be ready by then.

Even though we haven't been a part of the process, we have built our homes before in India, hence it would be interesting to see your journey!

Wishing you all the best.


All the best with your build Sucheta, how exciting for you to be near the finish line! :)

Little update on our project for those interested!

We were due to begin construction in the second week of January (yay!) But we've met with an unexpected hurdle whereby the district council does not recognise our plot and redirected us to a neighbouring council, and you've guessed it - the neighbouring council is disputing the same!

So I'm now on this carousel of going round in circles. We've encountered a lot of setbacks on this build and are so ready to move forward.

Has anyone experienced the above issue with the district council? How long did it take to resolve?

Hello Natasha,

Sorry to hear about the unexpected obstacles you've encountered with the district council. Did you hire a professional or a surveyor for this initial process ?

A surveyor or the notary who prepared your contract might be able to help.

Yes the developer has provided the necessary paperwork, it's just a question of both councils reviewing and for me to wait for this.

My architect is trying to expedite matters. Just thought I'd check if anyone else has experienced this.

Hi Natasha!

I would also love to follow your story here too as we're also interested in building in Mauritius as we often come here once/twice a year :).

Sorry to hear about delays with the council, sending you speedy vibes! 🤞🏽

Thank you Reshma for the good wishes, :)

I have PM you my insta handle!

Hi Natasha,

I would like to follow your adventure of building a home in Mauritius.

We are also thinking of building & moving to Mauritius.

I wish you all the best.


I have PMd you :)

I'd be interested to follow on your socials. Are you a resident?


Hi, will pm you!


can you send me you IG please