Completing a riad purchase - lack of info from agent/notary

Hi, My partner is planning on shortly completing a riad purchase in Marrakech.

There's a gap between what are led to believe has happened in the process so far, and what we actually know has happened, in that there seems to be a lack of guidance and documents.

We have an agent (british, living in Marrakech, not very good with details), and notary (agents choice, rarely communicates)

What seems to have happened so far:

Property was a melkia

Deposit paid into government escrow account

Met the notary with owner/family, agreed to proceed, started the requisition to modernise the melkia

Requisition now complete, Title deed is ready

Ready to be signed for and complete and transfer the rest of funds which are waiting in currency exchange.

What we know:

We have details of deposit in escrow account

We have invoice for notary fees, but it does not show my partners name/details or address of property (basic admin, surely?). It does show the price of the riad.

We have been told the title deed is complete - but havent seen anything

There's really no definitive document showing whats been paid, whats owed, what it is we are buying.

The agent says "you get all this (title deed) when you actually sign for it"

The notary doesnt really reply to anything.

It all just feels really inadequate. We are expected to make another trip there to sign for it. But do we actually know what we are signing for without seeing documents in advance. Are there any surprises to come? Will the documents be in English?

I'm looking for a little guidance and to understand how normal this is, whether it seems inadequate or dodgy?

And if so what we should demand to see before completing?

It feels like we need a notary to check our notary! But also seems like they could equally just say "yes, all good, everything is ready" without providing a document detailing progress and the rest of the process, because that might not exist. Do we just trust the notaries word?

Everything/everyone seems legit, but the lack of certainty is worrying.

Hope you can help!


the documents wont be in English, but you should require to have a certified translation before signing anything. And you should get them in advance.

This is not normal, this is dodgy. And you might need a support to check your notary work.

One rule above all : Morocco is a very administrative country, where everything should be written, prepared in advance and clear. Any "Oh but we don't do that this way in Morocco" is suspicious. And even if some Moroccans don't do it this was, as a foreigner spending your money, you are entitled to require everything you want.

Government escrow account ? You mean notary account at the Caisse des Dépôts ?

You can get in touch with me through direct messaging.

@MA_O_Maroc ah ok thank you, very helpful.

yes the deposit is in a notary account with Caisse de Depôts.

I'll message you privately. Thank you.