Social Integration Course for Citizenship

Hello everyone,

After evaluating my personal circumstances, it appears I need to complete a social integration course and provide proof of a Level A2 in either French or Dutch.

Following some research, I have a few questions:

1. Exemption Exam from the Social Integration Course: I came across some Reddit discussions about an exemption exam, suggesting that I might not need to complete the full 60-hour course. However, most sources specifically mention the requirement for citizenship as "completing a social integration course" rather than just "taking a test". Does anyone know if the exemption test is accepted for citizenship applications?

2. Course Language in BAPA (French): Living in Brussels, I wonder if BAPA offers the option to take the Social Integration Course and its test in English? I noticed that BON (Dutch) offers multiple language options for the social integration course, which leads me to my next question.

3. Language Consistency for These Two Documentations: If I enroll in the social integration course at BON (which is Dutch-based), would I be required to learn Dutch and further to provide a dutch A2 test? In essence, can I complete the social integration course with BON and later provide a French A2 certificate from another institution? Or must all documentation be consistent in language choice, i.e., all in Dutch or all in French?

I appreciate any guidance on this. Thank you.


well, to simply things (not exactly 1000000% true 'cause of special case):

if you've been working for 5 years in Belgium: no need for Integration Course

else integration course + A2 level

Integration Course are generally done in Dutch or French where a A2 level is required.

The global idea is: you do the french/dutch lesson, get your A2 level, then you've the civil/integration lessons

3) yep, most likely, but you should ask them. Now you'll never get your certificate if they understand that you don't get a world in Dutch or French..............