Rights of a Wife in Divorce/Marriage in Morocco

As salaam Alaikum! I am seeking some information and would love to hear what members have to comment on this topic. I was married in Morocco in 2018 and am now seeking divorce.

When I married I was told a 2nd wife was not legally possible in morocco without the permission or the 1st wife so I did not need to add any stipulation on this point to our contract. Does anyone have any info on this subject?

I was told  that there is no communal property in marriage either. If we do not both have legal ownership (as in both our names on a property deed) neither of us have rights in divorce. Is this true?

Is there alimony or any compensation after divorce financially for the wife or husband?

I was also warned that divorce in morocco is very difficult. Does anyone know what would constitute grounds?

Also, I am hoping not to come to morocco to get this divorce. I no longer feel safe and I do not want to spend the money to travel there from the USA.

Any insight, experience , information, or advice any of you have to share would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry to bring such a sad topic to the forum but I dont know where to turn.

Thank you in advance!

Walaikum salaam wa rahma tullahi wa barakatuhu ukti. I am no authority, but I have some knowledge abouts your situation.  Although it has no basis in the religion, in morrocco the 1st wife needs to consent to polygamy for her husband to marry additional wives for the marriage to be recognized as "legal". Some people avoid this by only getting married by Islamic requirements, but this isn't recognized by the government as a "legal marriage".

Of course the easiest way to divorce is to simply ask your husband to give u one. If he refuses u will need to present your case to a local judge yo ask for relief through the khula divorce which is initiated by the wife. U will be asked for justification such as physical abuse, lack of financial support or adultery.

I don't know your specifics, so this is only general info. I hope u find it helpful. Allah subhanawa ta'ala is the best disposer of affairs, so I advise u to start with sincere du'ah. May He alleviate any hardship for u, forgive your sins & grant u the best in this life & the next.


hi I am an Indian national married to Moroccan woman now situations reached till divorce I paid 110000 dirhams as advance for a rent contract and 190000 Dirhams to buy a new car in September 2023 all the money I have transferred to my wife's account through my Indian account and some I withdraw from my debit and credit cards if there is divorce will she keep the money of the advance and the car since both is in her name that's what she is telling me now

It would be a great help if you can give your valuable advise