Critics of the film ‘Sound Of Freedom' should have their HDs examined

"Journalists Attacking The Film ‘Sound Of Freedom' Should Have Their Hard Drives Investigated"

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article snippets

"I recently went to see the movie Sound Of Freedom with the expectation of a moderate level of political commentary or religious pontificating, given the rabid and widespread attacks on the film by the leftist media. All I knew going in was that the indie production was about child trafficking and that the mainstream media HATES IT. After the film was over, my first thought was that it was an excellent story about a very dark and difficult issue.

My second thought was – “What the hell was all the fuss about? There's not a single political moment in the entire movie!”...

"The media war on the low budget flick is so bizarre given this fact that I am immediately suspicious of their intentions. Not one political message, not one momentary critique of the political left, not one moment where MAGA or Trump or “Q-Anon” is mentioned, not one “conspiracy theory.” So why all the hate?"

"Before reading this review any further I highly recommend you check out some of the hatchet job articles published about Sound Of Freedom to get a sense of what I'm talking about – examples are here, here, here and here."

"The first thing you'll probably notice is that the majority of these vitriolic diatribes use the exact same talking points – They suggest that The Sound Of Freedom is based in conspiracy theory, far-right extremism and that it is funded by a subversive network of “Q-Anon adjacent” conservatives. Some journalists have even attacked the veracity of the film's true story – the career of DHS agent Tim Ballard, who operated covertly to take down child sex traffickers in Central America."

"But there's something more going on here than mere envy on the part of leftist journalists. The campaign against the movie is far too coordinated and far too expansive (global). It is as if these people are interconnected and they all agreed together to try to subvert the film, or they were all ORDERED to subvert the film."

(click here to read full article)

07/24/23  It's doing pretty well on Rotten Tomatoes:

I don't know that I'd pay money to see it, but I wouldn't mind streaming it.  Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

i saw it on line i thought  i was going to watch a movie were names were  going to be give because mr gibson said they wilkl try and kill him ?  for what  no names were given . good film

@abthree … 95.9722743

heres the link to the full  movie

I do agree with some criticism that says this is a Hollywood formulaic type movie.  It's about a child being kidnapped by a person of color and a white American man rushes to save and avenge them.  That Hollywood formula has been used time and time again.  You can't miss it. Think Taken and more recently the Netflix thriller Extraction.

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