Good gyms in Vientiane

I wonder if there are any good gyms in Vientiane with a good swimming pool. I like to swim every day for exercise.

Sengdara fitness centre, Vientiane fitness centre both have pools.

Check online for others but have used Sengdara myself as it is close to my home. It is great.

thanks a lot. see you in the pool!

Hello everyone,

Welcome @Mountolive ^^

Please note that I have created a new thread from your posts on the Vientiane forum as it could benefit other members as well.

All the best


Hi Bhavna, do you know how much a membership in Sengdara costs?

Best, Mountolive

Hello Mountolive,

I'm sorry to inform you that Bhavna does not have that specific information.

Hopefully, someone else on the forum will be able to assist you.


Cheryl team


I guess I'll just go there to the gym and ask!



PS: you are in Mauritius. I've always wanted to go there.


How did you go joining Sengdara?