What do you miss the most at this end of year ?


We're preparing an article on a very special period : the end of the year. For many, it's an opportunity to look back and take stock of 2022:

How did you experience this year of expatriation ?

Do you live abroad since a long time or do you moved in your new country this year ?

Do you feel nostalgic about the past ? For example, because of the distance with family, friends, since you live abroad.

Are you missing any products or services ?

What do you miss the most at this end of year ?

Thank you for your participation !

[Living in Ecuador.]

I miss being able to order vitamins, medications

and any and all other products at will ..

as I could if I lived in my home country,

the United States.

Ecuador has lost its postal and delivery service

since 2019, a fact I could not have predicted

when I moved to the country ten years ago.

A while back I attempted to import some products

via a USA-based shipping company and lost

$1,800 US (in shipping costs, fines, re-shipping and

lawyer fees) when SENAE refused to allow the

shipment to go through due to a technicality ..

and I never received any product.  Having been

burned, I'm not about to contact mules or

other shipping services going forward while

I reside primarily in Ecuador.

I was in the USA for the first 12 months of the

worldwide Situation (2020-21) .. and while I was

facing difficult health issues at the time .. at least

I was able to order whatever stuff I needed or

wanted and had it delivered reliably and without

issues within a couple of days (occasionally

a week) to my temporary residence in

Reno, Nevada.

Would I move back to the USA due to this

one significant problem...

Well, not permanently, although I am considering

making more trips there over the years to stock up

occasionally on what I can't readily obtain

in Ecuador.



Thank you for your reply !

As you said, it's difficult to know in advance what's will happen in the expat country. Especially for essential services like delivery...

Thank you again for your reply

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