Tried to open ABN AMRO account but was rejected

Hello all,

I am 4 wks into living in the Netherlands. I tried to open up an account with ABN AMRO today without my BSN. I brought my passport and my October payslip for proof of employment and residence. The guy took a look at my payslip and told me, my application would be denied because there is a requirement that my pay slip amount must be over 2,000 euros, in order for me to open up an account. I told him this paycheck was not typical, I only started working in mid-October and my next check should be more, but he still said, my application would likely be denied. He said, until I get my BSN number, I should hold off on applying because I would likely get rejected.

Has anyone encountered this requirement? I may have missed it on their website. I may have missed this info on their website.

Background: I moved here on a dependent visa. I don't have my BSN number yet because I'm waiting on some required documentation for the visa. My job will sponsor an independent HSM visa once everything is complete. My wife has an account there and I wanted to create a joint and a personal account.

We had a similar situation, without a BSN, it just won't move any further into the account creation system and had a similar problem with the ING when we went there next - when we asked, it was linked to changes the banks had made to its system to prevent money laundering and tax evasion; the BSN is linked to the address where you live so all transactions could be linked to a verified name and address and the Belastingdienst have access to your account if they need to verify tax matters.  We went to the RABO bank instead and had no problem.

We didn't hear the bit about 2,000 euro, we didn't get that far before we walked out.

Thanks for the response and explanation about tax evasion & money laundering. I looked through the ABN AMRO website and it didn't mention anything about need 2,000 euro to open an account. My wife already has an account with them since she already has a BSN #. I guess I have to wait for my BSN, which will probably be next year at this rate or check out RABO bank. How many euros is it a month to have a RABO account? 

Hi again.

I don't think RABO charges anything for personal accounts; at least they didn't when we opened ours a few years ago; I'm pretty certain that my wife being a tight-fisted Dutch lady would have had something to say if they tried taking money from her.  This link will take you to an online comparison between RABO and ING; it says that some accounts are free - but that review was written pre-Covid and that really upset everything worldwide.  I'll ask my wife when she gets home later (being the Dutch department of our family, she gets to deal with the complicated Dutch stuff), if she says anything to the contrary I'll let you know.

RABO bank has a website with some FAQs you can read; this link will take you straight to it.

Hope this helps.


Expat Team

I also had some challenges opening a bank account. Some lessons I have learned:

"The Expat Center", there are a number of them, can help immediately with a BSN (at a cost), where the municipality/gemeente application for a BSN takes 2-4 weeks.

Even when you have a BSN, it is still insufficient for opening an account. For this you need a BRP. You can apply for your BRP (basisregistratie personen), this you can get from the gemeente where you have registered. It is an document stating your BSN and residential address.

Bank accounts take approximately a week to open from application to completion. I tried 3 different banks, I ended up with SNS bank and I am very pleased with them.

Try KNAB, it is a more service oriented bank.

abn amro treated me really badly when I wanted to open an account. I even had a BSN. But they asked me the most intrusive questions ever, to the point of making me cry as I had to explain that my parents had passed away and I was the sole heir, they then had no shame in asking me how much I inherited where all I was told at the expat show was that with a BSN I could open an account in 10 minutes via their app!

I would never recommend this bank to anyone. I am with ING and they accepted my BSN and voilà.

abn amro treated me really badly when I wanted to open an account. I even had a BSN. But they asked me the most intrusive questions ever, to the point of making me cry as I had to explain that my parents had passed away and I was the sole heir, they then had no shame in asking me how much I inherited where all I was told at the expat show was that with a BSN I could open an account in 10 minutes via their app!
I would never recommend this bank to anyone. I am with ING and they accepted my BSN and voilà.

Sorry for your lost and what you have been through.

This is not how normally it should go and they have certainly not the right to do so.

If I was you I report this event officially.

Both via their Facebook account (if any and I know from others experience it works like a charm) and via their policy route.