Expat interviews

From Spain to Japan to study the Japanese language
From Spain to Japan to study the Japanese language
Raquel is getting ready for her studies abroad in Japan, and her first goal is to learn the language and explore Japanese culture in depth. In this interview, she tells us about her upcoming adventure in the Land of the Rising Sun.
Life in Singapore through the lens of an expat mum
Life in Singapore through the lens of an expat mum
Mangla is originally from Malaysia. She has been traveling a lot since a very young age and has lived in Australia and the UK. Today, she's raising her third-culture kids in Singapore. Mangla talks to us about what makes Singapore a great place to live as an expat.
The entrepreneurial adventure of an expat couple around the world
Everyday life
The entrepreneurial adventure of an expat couple around the world
Alex is from Germany, and his wife Alex was born in Brazil. Both had a normal life until they met in the UK and decided to go on an entrepreneurial adventure around the world. Today they live in Argentina and have taken up the mission of empowering other expat micro-entrepreneurs.
From army officers to entrepreneurs: Success story of an expat couple in Quebec
Everyday life
From army officers to entrepreneurs: Success story of an expat couple in Quebec
Céline and her husband Patrick are from France. In 2014, they decided to settle in Quebec with their two children. Former army officers, Céline and Patrick are now entrepreneurs. Owners of a French creperie, they share their experience with us and their success story despite the recent pandemic.
How a military wife from the UK became an expat coach in Brunei
Everyday life
How a military wife from the UK became an expat coach in Brunei
Originally from the British countryside, Amy spent ten years in London before following her military husband to Brunei for an international assignment. She talks to us about her career conversion into an expat coach after giving birth to her first child and her journey as an expat.
From the USA to Canada: An expat family's big adventure
Everyday life
From the USA to Canada: An expat family's big adventure
Yasmine has been living in North America for multiple years. She first accompanied her husband to North Carolina, in the US, before recently relocating again to Quebec in the heart of winter. She talks to us about her experience in these two very different American countries.
From France to the UK: This expat mum has lived in countries
Everyday life
From France to the UK: This expat mum has lived in countries
Nathalie had never thought that one day she would move abroad, and yet she has already lived in more than 5 different countries. Today, she lives in England with her family and tells us about their expat journey.
South African in Mauritius: Lee talks about real estate and being adventurous on the island
South African in Mauritius: Lee talks about real estate and being adventurous on the island
Lee moved to Mauritius 12 years ago searching for a better quality of life for her family and herself. The real estate consultant talks to us about the real estate market in Mauritius as well as about what she loves about the island life.
Reinventing oneself on the other side of the world: The story of an expat in Bali
Everyday life
Reinventing oneself on the other side of the world: The story of an expat in Bali
After traveling the world with her husband, Marion decided to settle in Bali, where she started a family and opened a shelter to save the many abandoned dogs across the island. Originally from Paris, she shares her adventures with Expat.com.
Moving to Barcelona without knowing the language: An expat's harsh reality
Everyday life
Moving to Barcelona without knowing the language: An expat's harsh reality
Haydée moved from Paris with the idea of ​​working in Barcelona. However, things didn't go as smoothly as she expected them to, considering the language barrier. She talks to us about her arrival in Barcelona and what made her want to learn Catalan.
Being a transgender feminist in the UK: an expat's views
Everyday life
Being a transgender feminist in the UK: an expat's views
Jo Krishnakumar is an Indian transgender feminist and Ph.D. candidate who works for gender equality in India and in the UK. They are engaged in queer fights and share how it is for a trans person to live in the UK and how hard it is to find communities. They also give advice to people from the global south who want to move abroad.
How this Swiss expat family left everything for Abu Dhabi
Everyday life
How this Swiss expat family left everything for Abu Dhabi
It's been four years since they packed their 10 years together in a few suitcases to move to Abu Dhabi, on the 75th floor of a building overlooking the capital. The Swiss Family Expat, comprising Sandy, Roger, Louane and Novan, talks to us about this unique adventure.
From France to Ecuador through the USA: an expat's tales
Everyday life
From France to Ecuador through the USA: an expat's tales
Mathilde moved to the United States for an internship when she was 22 and left with a husband and three children to start all over again in Ecuador. Originally from Grenoble, France, she talks to Expat.com about her uncommon journey.
Moving to Mauritius with family: An expat entrepreneur couple's journey
Everyday life
Moving to Mauritius with family: An expat entrepreneur couple's journey
Originally from Normandy, France, Amel and Marouane are both entrepreneurs. With their two children, they recently moved to Mauritius to develop their business. They talk to Expat.com about expat family life on the island and the entrepreneurial scene.
Peruvian translator moves to Canada to study again: “It's a country full of opportunities”
Everyday life
Peruvian translator moves to Canada to study again: “It's a country full of opportunities”
Italo Del Castillo is an expat from Peru, studying for a degree in business administration in Victoria, the capital of the province of British Columbia or British Columbia. With a love for sports, he shares his experience being a student again and what Canadian life looks like. 
From Iraq to Nicaragua: Humanitarianism changed this expat's life
From Iraq to Nicaragua: Humanitarianism changed this expat's life
Margot has been a nurse and head of humanitarian projects. She has lived abroad for many years in different countries, such as Nicaragua, Iraq, Nigeria, and Colombia, working on humanitarian projects. Today, she provides support and advice to people who want to move abroad.
Expat on the move from Madagascar to Bermuda via Bora-Bora
Everyday life
Expat on the move from Madagascar to Bermuda via Bora-Bora
Originally from France, Clémentine spent her childhood in Madagascar before getting the travel bug. She talks to us about her first experiences of island life as an expat and her recent move to Bermuda.
Starting all over again in the US amid the pandemic: The journey of an expat entrepreneur
Starting all over again in the US amid the pandemic: The journey of an expat entrepreneur
With her partner, Marie moved five times in 3 years. She arrived in a new country in the middle of the pandemic, went through two lockdowns, and had to start everything from scratch each time (professionally and personally). She talks to us about her journey from France to Los Angeles, passing through New York.

Other Types

Buying property abroad: Explore your options
Buying property abroad: Explore your options
There are lots of reasons why you may be considering purchasing property abroad. First, owning property comes with stability and security, which is something expats often long for after relocation. You will also finally be able to style your home as you like, bringing in the little decor elements that you hold dear. 
50 reasons to pack up and move abroad
Everyday life
50 reasons to pack up and move abroad
Are you thinking about living abroad? Perhaps you've considered it for a long time but haven't dared to take the plunge. It never seems like the right time due to inflation, rising living costs, and the fear of failing. But you could see these challenges as opportunities instead. Here are 50 reasons (and there are many more!) to live your dream of expatriation at least once.
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
Everyday life
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
We rarely consider our gut health and diet when moving abroad. Before leaving, our minds are consumed with travel preparations. The initial phase of expat life often coincides with a honeymoon period. Then comes the necessary adaptation, where daily life takes over. "The Expat Gut Health Survey: How Symptoms Can Impact Life Abroad," a study by Allianz Care, published on May 29, surveyed over 3,000 expats worldwide and unveils the link between gut health and quality of life.  
2024 European elections: Can expatriates vote?
2024 European elections: Can expatriates vote?
One of the most anticipated elections of the year is approaching. Will the European Union (EU) emerge from these elections more divided, or will it strengthen its unity? As we await the final predictions and, more importantly, the first results, let's examine the voting procedures. What conditions must expatriates meet to vote in the European elections? Are European expatriates living within or outside the EU treated the same way?
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
The current British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, called for a snap election on July 4. People were expecting the general election to happen in October or November, not in two months, reports the BBC. How can British expats abroad vote? And which expats in the UK have voting rights? Many Commonwealth and Irish expats in the UK are unaware that they are eligible to vote even if they don't have indefinite leave to remain.
Where can you breastfeed as an expat mom? Global rights and restrictions
Everyday life
Where can you breastfeed as an expat mom? Global rights and restrictions
When living abroad and planning to have a child, many factors come into play: healthcare, maternity support, parental leave, daycare, and more. This wonderful life event requires good organization, especially when you're an expat. One important aspect to consider (if you choose to) is breastfeeding, particularly in public spaces. While natural, breastfeeding can be controversial, heavily criticized, discouraged, or even banned in some countries.