Content from our partners

Five easy steps to protect your wealth as an expat
Xapo Bank
Five easy steps to protect your wealth as an expat
A Xapo Bank account is an easy way to protect and grow your wealth with high annual interest that's paid out daily. Enjoy access to fast and efficient payment networks, and manage your finances, crypto, and global payments from one app, anywhere, anytime, securely.
Four smart ways to grow your wealth as an expat
Xapo Bank
Four smart ways to grow your wealth as an expat
A Xapo Bank account is an easy way to protect and grow your wealth with high annual interest that's paid out daily. Enjoy access to fast and efficient payment networks, and manage your finances, crypto, and global payments from one app, anywhere, anytime, securely.
Pro tip for international relocation: Moving experts know how to pack everything
Pro tip for international relocation: Moving experts know how to pack everything
When you're turning your house into a home, you don't often ask the question "how am I going to move this to my NEXT home." What happens when you're making an international move that might cover thousands of kilometers and one or more international borders? You need an experienced international relocation company that knows how to pack and move EVERYTHING!
Navigating restrictions faced by US citizens living abroad and their implications
Blacktower Financial Management Group
Navigating restrictions faced by US citizens living abroad and their implications
While more than 8 million American citizens are currently enjoying life abroad, one of the significant obstacles faced by US expats living in Europe is the stringent reporting restrictions imposed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Introduced in 2010, these restrictions have had far-reaching implications, making it increasingly difficult for US expats to access banking and financial services, as well as facing limitations with their investment and retirement accounts. This article explores the impact of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and sheds light on the growing issues faced by US citizens residing in Europe.
10 insider tips to a successful French visa application
Fab Insurance
10 insider tips to a successful French visa application
Obtaining a long-term French visa may seem challenging, but we have successfully helped thousands secure their VLS-TS. Here are our top ten foolproof tips.
Pro Tip for International Relocation: Hire a company that can protect and track your stuff
Pro Tip for International Relocation: Hire a company that can protect and track your stuff
When planning an international move – especially moving overseas – you want to avoid stress. That's true not only for yourself but for your household full of personal belongings! 
Top 2 reasons your French long-term visa application could fail
Fab Insurance
Top 2 reasons your French long-term visa application could fail
Spending time abroad is an exciting endeavor despite the sometimes tortuous process. It is best, therefore, that all the odds are in your favor during your visa application. If you are looking to apply for a French long-term visa, we have summarized for you the top two reasons French long-term visas applications fail.
Shipping your belongings: What does a successful removal entail?
Shipping your belongings: What does a successful removal entail?
Whether you're a veteran expat or moving abroad for the first time, your travel itinerary is something you plan carefully, scrutinizing every detail. If you are moving soon and you are a little overwhelmed with all that a move entails, our partner Sanelo walks you through the steps of a successful removal.
Moving abroad: Here's what a consolidated move entails
Moving abroad: Here's what a consolidated move entails
Shipping your belongings can be expensive when you're planning to move overseas or move back to your home country. Thankfully, movers now allow consolidated moves, an option allowing you to share containers with another person or family, thus reducing costs. Our moving expert, AGS Movers, tell us a little about this solution.
The costs for hiring an international mover in 2023
International Van Lines
The costs for hiring an international mover in 2023
It's no secret that times have changed. The cost of fuel, goods, and services has increased, and the costs of hiring an international mover have gone up. The good news is there are ways to reduce the cost of your move, and knowing what to expect will help with planning and budgeting. So if you dream of moving abroad and want to know how much you'll need to plan for, read on.
Redefining the skills students need to take on the world
St John's International School
Redefining the skills students need to take on the world
Promoting open-minded dialogue and relationship building alongside academic excellence have always been at the heart of international education. Now, in an ever-changing learning landscape and a time of unprecedented global disruption, schools the world over are re-evaluating their educational approach to help students navigate these uncertain times. Dr David Brooke - Head of St John's International School in Brussels - explains how it's never been more important to embed compassion and resilience into education, and how his school is empowering young leaders with the skills to deal with unpredictability in a globally responsible way.
Why VOIP and IPTV are great options for expats: Tips from an expert
Ustvnow360 by TeleUP
Why VOIP and IPTV are great options for expats: Tips from an expert
Communication and information needs may be various when one moves overseas, and as an expat, you might not be fully aware of the options available to you in your host country. Gustavo Neiva de Medeiros, a streaming TV expert and media entrepreneur, is the CEO of TeleUP service. He talks to us about the benefits of getting VOIP and IPTV services for expats. Find out more
Transferring money from abroad: challenges and solutions
Transferring money from abroad: challenges and solutions
Expats may have different reasons to transfer money back home: some of them want to support their families, and others make savings while working overseas. Yet, the process of sending money home stays the same – and it can be quite cumbersome at times.
ICS Milan International School: an innovative approach to learning
ICS Milan International School: an innovative approach to learning
What makes a difference in a student's education? ICS Milan offers an innovative teaching approach based on Design Thinking and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths). This learning approach prepares each student to solve problems that have not yet been imagined and to work in jobs that have not yet been invented. An important part of this educational approach is that students who are taught under a STEAM framework are not just taught the subject matter, but they are taught how to learn, how to ask questions, how to experiment and how to create.
Tips on how to live your best expat life in Turkey
Antalya Homes
Tips on how to live your best expat life in Turkey
Turkey is one of the best destinations for a joyous holiday, but what about settling down? Life in Turkey is like an all-year-long summer vacation if you have a grasp of the essentials of living in this welcoming country. Here are some useful tips from Antalya Homes ® to live your best life in Turkey.
The top 5 destinations for expats in 2023
AGS Déménagements
The top 5 destinations for expats in 2023
If you have decided to move abroad in 2023 but are still not sure where to, a few factors can help you out. While quality of life is a determining factor for everyone, the factors can change depending on your situation. If you're a professional, for example, the job market situation will also come into play. Here is our selection of the 5 best destinations for the new year according to these criteria.
The Barcelona International Welcome Desk is a success amongst expats and to be-expats
Barcelona City Council
The Barcelona International Welcome Desk is a success amongst expats and to be-expats
Barcelona International Welcome Desk website has had almost 3,000 visits per month since it was launched in November 2021.
Portugal's visa reform could scrap the controversial Golden Visa
Holborn Assets
Portugal's visa reform could scrap the controversial Golden Visa
Portugal is currently overhauling its visa system. In July, reforms made to the Law on Foreign Nationals created a 120-day Jobseeker Visa for third-country nationals to look for employment in the country. Later, in November, the Prime Minister also announced that the controversial Golden Visa could soon be scrapped.

Other Types

Buying property abroad: Explore your options
Buying property abroad: Explore your options
There are lots of reasons why you may be considering purchasing property abroad. First, owning property comes with stability and security, which is something expats often long for after relocation. You will also finally be able to style your home as you like, bringing in the little decor elements that you hold dear. 
50 reasons to pack up and move abroad
Everyday life
50 reasons to pack up and move abroad
Are you thinking about living abroad? Perhaps you've considered it for a long time but haven't dared to take the plunge. It never seems like the right time due to inflation, rising living costs, and the fear of failing. But you could see these challenges as opportunities instead. Here are 50 reasons (and there are many more!) to live your dream of expatriation at least once.
2024 European elections: Can expatriates vote?
2024 European elections: Can expatriates vote?
One of the most anticipated elections of the year is approaching. Will the European Union (EU) emerge from these elections more divided, or will it strengthen its unity? As we await the final predictions and, more importantly, the first results, let's examine the voting procedures. What conditions must expatriates meet to vote in the European elections? Are European expatriates living within or outside the EU treated the same way?
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
The current British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, called for a snap election on July 4. People were expecting the general election to happen in October or November, not in two months, reports the BBC. How can British expats abroad vote? And which expats in the UK have voting rights? Many Commonwealth and Irish expats in the UK are unaware that they are eligible to vote even if they don't have indefinite leave to remain.
Where can you breastfeed as an expat mom? Global rights and restrictions
Everyday life
Where can you breastfeed as an expat mom? Global rights and restrictions
When living abroad and planning to have a child, many factors come into play: healthcare, maternity support, parental leave, daycare, and more. This wonderful life event requires good organization, especially when you're an expat. One important aspect to consider (if you choose to) is breastfeeding, particularly in public spaces. While natural, breastfeeding can be controversial, heavily criticized, discouraged, or even banned in some countries.
Emerging work trends around the world: What expats should expect
Emerging work trends around the world: What expats should expect
A new trend among dynamic employees is working while walking, which not only boosts office performance but also enhances overall life productivity. As awareness of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle grows, new work methods are emerging. It's also a matter of well-being, essential for better work performance. Here's everything you need to know if you're planning a professional adventure abroad.